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Microsoft patents stylus that can scan colors and textures from the real world



    Posts : 34

    Join date : 2016-02-20


     20.02.16 20:46 

    A new patent issued on behalf of Microsoft shows that the company has been thinking about a new type of stylus, one that could identify the color and textures of the real world and use them on a digital screen.

    Microsoft patents stylus that can scan colors and textures from the real world Screen_shot_2014-09-01_at_3.41.15_pm_story

    According to its patent, which was issued last night, Microsoft has developed a type of stylus which also features an array of sensors and a color detecting system. A user could, for example, place the stylus’ color-detecting tip next to a real world object, and the device would register that color, and then reproduce it on screen. We’ve seen similar devices show up on Kickstarter for a while now, but Microsoft’s design goes even further.
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