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Apple acknowledges '1970' bug that bricks 64-bit iOS devices, fix on the way



    Posts : 34

    Join date : 2016-02-20


     20.02.16 20:58 

    Apple this morning acknowledged the bug whereby if you change your date to May 1970 or earlier, you won't be able to restart your iOS device. The bug affects all iOS devices that utilize a 64-bit chipset.

    Apple acknowledges '1970' bug that bricks 64-bit iOS devices, fix on the way Shutterstock_248941348_story

    As a reminder, the bug in the operating system simply relies on a user resetting a device’s date to any date earlier than May 1970 (earlier reported as just January 1 1970). Once set, if the device gets rebooted it gets permanently stuck. Connecting it to a PC in iTunes or booting into DFU mode seems to work but doesn’t actually fix the problem; the device remains bricked. In fact, except for some random anecdotal evidence, there doesn’t seem to be much that a user can do to fix the issue. Some have suggested the device recovers by itself after a number of hours, while others claim to have had success in reviving their phones by switching out the SIM card.
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